- On the SQL Server start SQL Server Management Studio
- Enter the Server name and select Windows authentication.
Make sure you are logged in with administrator credentials.
- Right click on the server name and select properties
- Go to Security and select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode.
- Right click on the server name and select Restart to restart the SQL services.
For x++ select statements: select firstOnly batchHistory where batchHistory.Caption LIKE "*Test*" For x++ queries: queryBuildRange.value(*Test*); Note the LIKE instead of a '==' and the wildcards inside of the quotations. All other combinations of wildcard usage will work here. This is the same functionality as what the users would put in the grid filtering(eg. '*TEST*' in the caption field filter on the batch tasks form). However, if you want to find all Captions that do not have the word Test in them (NOT LIKE, !LIKE), you will have to modify the above example slightly. For x++ select statements: select firstOnly batchHistory where !( batchHistory.Caption LIKE "*TEST*" ) ; For x++ queries: queryBuildRange.value(!*Test*);
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