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AbyssRium’s Hidden Fish

AbyssRium’s Hidden Fish

  • Blue Clownfish:
    • Take a picture of Clownfish 3 times
    • Pictures of Red Clownfish didn’t work for me, only Percula (orange) Clownfish
  • Snowflake Clownfish:
    • Push Twitter button 5 times in Settings
    • It’s a good idea to unlock these two immediately so you don’t end up with 4 Orange/Red clownfish like me
  • Randall’s Goby:
    • Take 3 pictures of Goby
  • Spotted Mandarin Dragonet:
    • Start AbyssRium upon notification (random chance)
    • To get this, make sure “Notice” is on in AbyssRium’s settings, and also make sure your device is allowing AbyssRium to send notifications. You can enable/disable this in Notifications settings in iOS or Google Play Games’ settings for the app on Android.
  • Clown Tang:
    • Take a picture of Tang 5 times
  • Convict Tang:
    • Do nothing for 1 hour
    • You must leave the game open, which means you’ll want the game in Battery Saver mode and on a charger because abyssrium is crazy battery hungry.
  • Naso Tang
    • Obtain 50 Tangs
    • Obviously, you’re going to want to do this one after finishing most other objectives or your aquarium is going to be very boring
  • Jewel Damsel:
    • Tap the upper left corner of screen 1000 times (seriously)
    • You can tap with multiple fingers at once on most modern phones to make this less crazy
  • Cross Damsel:
    • Take 3 pictures of a Damsel
    • I’m pretty sure Chromis count as Damsels
  • French Angel:
    • Save picture of Angelfish 3 times
    • That’s save to your device, not just take it, like other unlocks
  • Moorish Idol:
    • Take picture of Mystery Chest 5 times (wait for it to spawn first obviously)
    • Technically an Angelfish
  • Scribbled Angelfish:
    • Push See More button in Photo Award 10 times
    • This is in the Photo icon in the top right next to trophies, not when you take a picture yourself
  • Peppermint Angel
    • Own 30 Angelfish
    • Like the Naso Tang, save this for one of your final challenges in the game. It’s not as bad as it might sound, but it’s a long grind even after reaching Z vitality
  • Queen Angel
    • Fragile Staghorn LV. 3000
  • Springer Dottyback:
    • Share picture 3 times
    • You can press the share button, hit back, delete the draft and still get it (confirmed with Twitter)
    • Note you only see the share icons from apps you have installed. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all options
  • Pajama Cardinal:
    • Open app 20 times in one day (you don’t have to close the app, just home screen-> back into app)
    • You’ll probably accidentally get this on your first day if you really like the game
  • Mahi Mahi:
    • Play at 0:00 AM (midnight) 10 times
    • I think this one is bugged:
      • I got it randomly at 7 PM. Some people have said opening the app 10 times at 12 AM did work, but they got the fish significantly later, so it may simply be a delayed check.
      • You could theoretically cheat the clock, but since it seems to be bugged and I don’t know the actual time,  my advice is just keep playing and you’ll get it eventually
      • Some people say the game seems to give it them after the game runs in the background overnight, then they got the unlock much later the following day.
      • Worst-case, if you’re only missing this one fish, you could set your clock to 12:00 AM, open the app 10 times, set your clock to 1:00 AM, etc. and by sheer brute force you should get it.
      • If you know anything concrete, let me know in the comments. No consistent pattern is clear yet.
  • Camel Cowfish:
    • Share picture of Blowfish 3 times
    • Boxfish, Sea Slugs, and Triggers all count as Blowfish for this task
  • Juvenile Spotted Boxfish:
    • Start AbyssRium upon notification (random chance)
  • Potbelly Seahorse:
    • Share picture of Seahorse 3 times
  • Pygmy Seahorse:
    • Play at 4 AM 5 times
    • You can change your phone’s time to cheat this because, I mean, screw that
    • You can just leave the game to the home page then re-open it to get this, you don’t have to close the app or open it on 5 different days
    • This one worked perfectly fine with time cheating for me, but some people report similar issues to the Mahi Mahi, so read the info there.
  • Striped Marlin:
    • Apparently it has a 10% chance to show up “every half hour” according to rumors
      • I’m almost certain this half hour is gametime, not realtime. I got it at 11:22 AM local time and reports of people trying every half hour do not seem very successfully
    • It will be a swarm of them moving rapidly all around the map, it’s fairly easy to notice them
    • Take a picture of it when it appears to unlock it. Make sure to “lock on” to it like any other fish, it can take a couple tries because they move fast.
      • They’ll make many loops around the screen so don’t panic, but you do want to be fairly quick.
  • Mauve Stinger Jellyfish:
    • Take a picture of a jellyfish 10 times
  • Leatherback Turtle:
    • Open the Mystery Chest 50 times
      • If you’re extremely adverse to ads, you can consider this the last time you “need” to click an ad, as there are no more unique rewards for doing so
  • Commerson Dolphin:
    • Save picture of Lonely Coralite 3 times (Mixed reports over whether this is true)
    • Save a picture of a dolphin 3 times (confirmed)
    • The Narwhal is considered a Dolphin for this task
  • Narwhal:
    • Tap the top left corner of the screen 5000 times (seriously)
      • Try using all four fingers on one hand, and focus on times when Song of the Moon is active just to squeeze a bit more productivity out of this.
  • Manta Ray:
    • Share a photo of Stingray 3 times on Twitter
    • The Oarfish appears to count as a Stingray for this
  • Hammerhead shark:
    • Save picture of shark 3 times
  • Whale Shark:
    • Start AbyssRium upon notification (random chance)
    • The notification fish seem to come in order, so if you don’t like notifications, you can turn them off after getting this final one
  • Legendary Mola Mola
    • Tap Sunfish vitality 100 times
    • Easier if you store ALL fish but the sunfish, and ideally buy more than one
    • Collaboration with Survive! Mola Mola! but doesn’t seem to unlock after installing the game, do the above instead
  • Dugong
    • While not hidden, it’s description is misleading. You merely need to own as many unique fish types as are listed in it’s second requirement, not “all” of them
    • This used to require 78, now requires 82. It appears to not count the Check In fish (below), so those can be used to fill in for up to four tricky Hidden Fish

Halloween Update Hidden Fish

A brand new and time-limited event. Looks like both unlocking and buying these fish is time limited. Using them presumably is not.
For Halloween there’s a new currency, Candies, and special new skeletal/spooky fish can be unlocked using only those candies.
Normal Halloween Fish
  • Ghost Fish
  • Bone Fish
    • Own 3 Ghost Fish
  • Bone Turtle
    • Own 5 Halloween event fish
  • Bone Dolphin
    • Own 3 Bone Turtles
  • Ghost Dolphin
    • Own 30 Halloween event fish
  • Ghost Ray
    • Own 60 Halloween event fish (?!)
  • Bone Whale
    • Collect all kinds of Halloween Event fish
    • Really just requires 10 types, so either all hidden + normal fish or 9 of those plus the one paid fish if you get it
Hidden Halloween Fish
  • Dogface Puffer
    • Take a picture of Pumpkin 3 times (600 candies)
    • Thanks to yak188
  •  Football Fish
    • Get candies with commercials 10 times (800 candies)
    • Thanks to hazel_hng
  • Dumbo Octopus
    • Share picture of Dogface Puffer 3 times (1000 candies)
    • Thanks to FishhFinns
  • Goblin Shark – Share picture of tombstone 3 times (1500 candies)
    • Thanks to hazel_hng
Paid Halloween Fish
  • Halloween Package ($30!!?)
    • Ghost Whale
    • 200% Increase of Candy Obtaining (I assume this is x2 not x3 like it sounds)
Getting Candy
  • Get 1 for tapping fish with a Candy icon over their head
    • This icon will happen for up to two fish at a time, every few seconds
    • Song of the Moon’s multiplier effects candy drops, so you’ll get 5+ candy per tap, higher levels of Song of the Moon yield even more candy
    • Tapping the candy counts as “fish’s vitality” for the achievements, and is much much more frequent than the heart
  • Get 50 for watching an ad in the “Event” category
    • Ads are available every 30 minutes and seem unaffected by multipliers
The best way to work this is a tip from yak188:
“Hide all fishes, only get 3*  jellyfish because they’re always in the center and you can focus tapping in one spot. Beside that, watching video for 50 candies every 30 minutes or use 500% as it’s available to get 5 candies/tap.”
*edit: they originally said 2 but rarely 3 candies to tap will pop up

Check In Fish

These fish were added in updates and are not counted in the original 82 required to unlock the Dugong for some reason.
  • Sea Slug
    • 7 days checked in via Attendance system (can’t be cheated with clock fudging)
  • Giant Isopod
    • 14 days checked in via Attendance system
  • Oarfish
    • 21 days checked in via Attendance system
  • Coelacanth
    • 28 days checked in via Attendance System

Premium Fish:

Premium fish are only unlocked via a IAP that comes with extra vitality gains and a package of gems. Buying the Premium Fish entitles you to buy as many more of that fish as you want through normal means.
Note these fish are never required to unlock any of the other fish ingame. You’ll never NEED to pay to advance, only to get these particular fish.
  • Black and White Clownfish
    • $5 IAP “Beginner Package”
  • Lionfish
    • $10 IAP “Junior Package”
    • Unlocked at level 350
  • Giant Jellyfish
    • $19 IAP, “Advanced Package”
    • Unlocked at level 500
  • Humpback Whale
    • $50 IAP! “Master Package”
    • Please don’t buy this just for the fish…that’s a lot of money and it’s not required for anything else in the game
    • Unlocked around level 750
  • Harp Seal
    • $100 IAP!!! “Supreme Package”
    • Unlocked around level 1000
    • Again, pretty crazy pricey
    • You really don’t need those gems by now, so again, please purchase responsibly. I love this game but it makes me uncomfortable there even is a $100 IAP


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